Page ID: 306

O verbo "to try" tem várias traduções, e a escolha da palavra certa depende do contexto. Alguns exemplos:

  • Tentar: É a tradução mais direta e comum. Usada quando você quer fazer algo, mas não tem certeza se vai conseguir. Exemplo: "I will try to come." → "Vou tentar ir."
  • Experimentar: Quando se trata de provar algo novo, como uma comida ou atividade. Exemplo: "You should try sushi." → "Você deveria experimentar sushi."
  • Esforçar-se: Usado quando você vai dar o seu melhor para realizar algo. Exemplo: "I'm trying to do my best." → "Estou me esforçando para fazer o meu melhor."
  • Testar: No contexto de verificar algo, como um produto ou uma ideia. Exemplo: "We need to try this feature before launching." → "Precisamos testar esse recurso antes de lançar."

Simple Tense

Simple Present Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I try We try
You try You try
He/She/It tries They try

Try: /traɪ/, tries: /traɪz/

Simple Past Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I tried We tried
You tried You tried
He/She/It tried They tried

Tried: /traɪd/

Simple Future Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will try We will try
You will try You will try
He/She/It will try They will try

Will try: /wɪl traɪ/

Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I am trying We are trying
You are trying You are trying
He/She/It is trying They are trying

trying: /ˈtraɪ.ɪŋ/

Past Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I was trying We were trying
You were trying You were trying
He/She/It was trying They were trying

Was trying: /wəz ˈtraɪ.ɪŋ/, Were trying: /wɜr ˈtraɪ.ɪŋ/

Future Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will be trying We will be trying
You will be trying You will be trying
He/She/It will be trying They will be trying

Will be trying: /wɪl bi ˈtraɪ.ɪŋ/

Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I have tried We have tried
You have tried You have tried
He/She/It has tried They have tried

Have tried: /hæv traɪd/, Has tried: /hæz traɪd/

Past Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I had tried We had tried
You had tried You had tried
He/She/It had tried They had tried

Had tried: /hæd traɪd/

Future Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will have tried We will have tried
You will have tried You will have tried
He/She/It will have tried They will have tried

Will have tried: /wɪl hæv traɪd/