Page ID: 340

O verbo "to notice" tem várias traduções, dependendo do contexto. Aqui estão algumas das formas mais comuns de traduzi-lo:

  • Notar: Quando se percebe algo com os sentidos ou com a mente. Exemplo: "Você notou a mudança no clima?" → "Did you notice the change in the weather?".
  • Perceber: Similar a notar, é usado quando alguém se dá conta de algo. Exemplo: "Ela percebeu que ele estava nervoso" → "She noticed he was nervous".
  • Observar: Pode ser usado no sentido de prestar atenção a detalhes. Exemplo: "Ele observou uma falha no relatório" → "He noticed a flaw in the report".
  • Ver: Em um sentido mais casual, como simplesmente ver algo. Exemplo: "Você viu o novo corte de cabelo dela?" → "Did you notice her new haircut?".

Simple Tense

Simple Present Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I notice We notice
You notice You notice
He/She/It notices They notice

Notice: /ˈnoʊ.tɪs/, notices: /ˈnoʊ.tɪsɪz/

Simple Past Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I noticed We noticed
You noticed You noticed
He/She/It noticed They noticed

Noticed: /ˈnoʊ.tɪst/

Simple Future Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will notice We will notice
You will notice You will notice
He/She/It will notice They will notice

Will notice: /wɪl ˈnoʊ.tɪs/

Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I am noticing We are noticing
You are noticing You are noticing
He/She/It is noticing They are noticing

noticing: /ˈnoʊ.tɪs.ɪŋ/

Past Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I was noticing We were noticing
You were noticing You were noticing
He/She/It was noticing They were noticing

Was noticing: /wəz ˈnoʊ.tɪs.ɪŋ/, Were noticing: /wɜr ˈnoʊ.tɪs.ɪŋ/

Future Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will be noticing We will be noticing
You will be noticing You will be noticing
He/She/It will be noticing They will be noticing

Will be noticing: /wɪl bi ˈnoʊ.tɪs.ɪŋ/

Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I have noticed We have noticed
You have noticed You have noticed
He/She/It has noticed They have noticed

Have noticed: /hæv ˈnoʊ.tɪst/, Has noticed: /hæz ˈnoʊ.tɪst/

Past Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I had noticed We had noticed
You had noticed You had noticed
He/She/It had noticed They had noticed

Had noticed: /hæd ˈnoʊ.tɪst/

Future Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will have noticed We will have noticed
You will have noticed You will have noticed
He/She/It will have noticed They will have noticed

Will have noticed: /wɪl hæv ˈnoʊ.tɪst/