O verbo "to grow" pode ser traduzido de várias maneiras, dependendo do contexto. Aqui estão algumas das traduções mais comuns:
- Crescer: No sentido de aumento de tamanho ou quantidade. Exemplo: "As crianças crescem rápido" → "Children grow up fast".
- Cultivar: Quando se refere a plantar e cuidar de plantas ou culturas. Exemplo: "Ele gosta de cultivar vegetais no jardim" → "He likes to grow vegetables in the garden".
- Desenvolver: Pode ser usado para falar de desenvolvimento pessoal, profissional ou econômico. Exemplo: "Ela está desenvolvendo suas habilidades de liderança" → "She is growing her leadership skills".
- Expandir: No sentido de fazer algo tornar-se maior ou mais abrangente. Exemplo: "A empresa planeja expandir suas operações" → "The company plans to grow its operations".
Simple Tense
Simple Present Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I grow | We grow |
2ª | You grow | You grow |
3ª | He/She/It grows | They grow |
Grow: /ɡroʊ/, grows: /ɡroʊz/
Simple Past Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I grew | We grew |
2ª | You grew | You grew |
3ª | He/She/It grew | They grew |
Grew: /ɡru/
Simple Future Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I will grow | We will grow |
2ª | You will grow | You will grow |
3ª | He/She/It will grow | They will grow |
Will grow: /wɪl ɡroʊ/
Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I am growing | We are growing |
2ª | You are growing | You are growing |
3ª | He/She/It is growing | They are growing |
growing: /ˈɡroʊ.ɪŋ/
Past Continuous Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I was growing | We were growing |
2ª | You were growing | You were growing |
3ª | He/She/It was growing | They were growing |
Was growing: /wəz ˈɡroʊ.ɪŋ/, Were growing: /wɜr ˈɡroʊ.ɪŋ/
Future Continuous Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I will be growing | We will be growing |
2ª | You will be growing | You will be growing |
3ª | He/She/It will be growing | They will be growing |
Will be growing: /wɪl bi ˈɡroʊ.ɪŋ/
Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I have grew | We have grew |
2ª | You have grew | You have grew |
3ª | He/She/It has grew | They have grew |
Have grew: /hæv ɡru/, Has grew: /hæz ɡru/
Past Perfect Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I had grew | We had grew |
2ª | You had grew | You had grew |
3ª | He/She/It had grew | They had grew |
Had grew: /hæd ɡru/
Future Perfect Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I will have grew | We will have grew |
2ª | You will have grew | You will have grew |
3ª | He/She/It will have grew | They will have grew |
Will have grew: /wɪl hæv ɡru/