O verbo "to fly" pode ser traduzido de várias formas, dependendo do contexto. Algumas opções são:
- Voar: No sentido mais direto de se mover pelo ar. Exemplo: "O pássaro está voando" ("The bird is flying").
- Pilotar: Quando se refere a estar no controle de uma aeronave. Exemplo: "Ele sabe pilotar um avião" ("He knows how to fly a plane").
- Viajar de avião: Em um contexto mais amplo, pode ser usado para falar sobre viajar usando um avião. Exemplo: "Vou voar para São Paulo amanhã" ("I'm flying to São Paulo tomorrow").
Simple Tense
Simple Present Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I fly | We fly |
2ª | You fly | You fly |
3ª | He/She/It flies | They fly |
Fly: /flaɪ/, flies: /flaɪz/
Simple Past Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I flew | We flew |
2ª | You flew | You flew |
3ª | He/She/It flew | They flew |
Flew: /fluː/
Simple Future Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I will fly | We will fly |
2ª | You will fly | You will fly |
3ª | He/She/It will fly | They will fly |
Will fly: /wɪl flaɪ/
Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I am flying | We are flying |
2ª | You are flying | You are flying |
3ª | He/She/It is flying | They are flying |
Flying: /ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ/
Past Continuous Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I was flying | We were flying |
2ª | You were flying | You were flying |
3ª | He/She/It was flying | They were flying |
Was flying: /wəz ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ/, Were flying: /wɜr ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ/
Future Continuous Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I will be flying | We will be flying |
2ª | You will be flying | You will be flying |
3ª | He/She/It will be flying | They will be flying |
Will be flying: /wɪl bi ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ/
Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I have flew | We have flew |
2ª | You have flew | You have flew |
3ª | He/She/It has flew | They have flew |
Have flew: /hæv fluː/, Has flew: /hæz fluː/
Past Perfect Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I had flew | We had flew |
2ª | You had flew | You had flew |
3ª | He/She/It had flew | They had flew |
Had flew: /hæd fluː/
Future Perfect Tense
Pess. | Singular | Plural |
1ª | I will have flew | We will have flew |
2ª | You will have flew | You will have flew |
3ª | He/She/It will have flew | They will have flew |
Will have flew: /wɪl hæv fluː/