Page ID: 264

O verbo "to drive" pode ser traduzido de diferentes formas, dependendo do contexto. Algumas opções são:

  • Dirigir: No sentido mais direto de operar um veículo. Exemplo: "Ele dirige muito bem" ("He drives very well").
  • Levar: Quando alguém conduz um veículo para transportar outra pessoa. Exemplo: "Posso te levar ao aeroporto" ("I can drive you to the airport").
  • Conduzir: Em um sentido mais amplo ou formal. Exemplo: "She drove the conversation towards the main issue." (Ela conduziu a conversa para o problema principal.).

Simple Tense

Simple Present Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I drive We drive
You drive You drive
He/She/It drives They drive

Drive: /draɪv/, drives: /draɪvz/

Simple Past Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I drove We drove
You drove You drove
He/She/It drove They drove

Drove: /droʊv/

Simple Future Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will drive We will drive
You will drive You will drive
He/She/It will drive They will drive

Will drive: /wɪl draɪv/

Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I am driving We are driving
You are driving You are driving
He/She/It is driving They are driving

Driving: /ˈdraɪv.ɪŋ/

Past Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I was driving We were driving
You were driving You were driving
He/She/It was driving They were driving

Was driving: /wəz ˈdraɪv.ɪŋ/, Were driving: /wɜr ˈdraɪv.ɪŋ/

Future Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will be driving We will be driving
You will be driving You will be driving
He/She/It will be driving They will be driving

Will be driving: /wɪl bi ˈdraɪv.ɪŋ/

Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I have drove We have drove
You have drove You have drove
He/She/It has drove They have drove

Have drove: /hæv droʊv/, Has drove: /hæz droʊv/

Past Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I had drove We had drove
You had drove You had drove
He/She/It had drove They had drove

Had drove: /hæd droʊv/

Future Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will have drove We will have drove
You will have drove You will have drove
He/She/It will have drove They will have drove

Will have drove: /wɪl hæv droʊv/