Page ID: 332

O verbo "to clear" é bastante versátil e pode ser traduzido de diversas formas, dependendo do contexto. Algumas opções são:

  • Limpar: No sentido de remover algo para tornar um espaço vazio ou limpo. Exemplo: "Vou limpar a mesa" → "I will clear the table".
  • Clarear: Quando se refere a tornar algo mais claro ou transparente, como o céu após uma tempestade. Exemplo: "O céu clareou depois da chuva" → "The sky cleared after the rain").
  • Desobstruir: Usado quando algo está bloqueando um caminho e é removido. Exemplo: "Desobstruíram a estrada após o acidente" → "They cleared the road after the accident").
  • Aprovar: Em contextos legais ou burocráticos, como quando um projeto é aprovado. Exemplo: "O projeto foi aprovado pelo comitê" → "The project was cleared by the committee".

Simple Tense

Simple Present Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I clear We clear
You clear You clear
He/She/It clears They clear

Clear: /klɪr/, clears: /klɪrz/

Simple Past Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I cleared We cleared
You cleared You cleared
He/She/It cleared They cleared

Cleared: /klɪrd/

Simple Future Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will clear We will clear
You will clear You will clear
He/She/It will clear They will clear

Will clear: /wɪl klɪr/

Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I am clearing We are clearing
You are clearing You are clearing
He/She/It is clearing They are clearing

clearing: /ˈklɪr.ɪŋ/

Past Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I was clearing We were clearing
You were clearing You were clearing
He/She/It was clearing They were clearing

Was clearing: /wəz ˈklɪr.ɪŋ/, Were clearing: /wɜr ˈklɪr.ɪŋ/

Future Continuous Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will be clearing We will be clearing
You will be clearing You will be clearing
He/She/It will be clearing They will be clearing

Will be clearing: /wɪl bi ˈklɪr.ɪŋ/

Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I have cleared We have cleared
You have cleared You have cleared
He/She/It has cleared They have cleared

Have cleared: /hæv klɪrd/, Has cleared: /hæz klɪrd/

Past Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I had cleared We had cleared
You had cleared You had cleared
He/She/It had cleared They had cleared

Had cleared: /hæd klɪrd/

Future Perfect Tense

Pess. Singular Plural
I will have cleared We will have cleared
You will have cleared You will have cleared
He/She/It will have cleared They will have cleared

Will have cleared: /wɪl hæv klɪrd/